Hot topics and things to know.
All content in our blog is posted for use by anyone who is seeking help — OP participants or not. We encourage you to share these posts with people you think will benefit. For your convenience, we’ve sorted content into hot topics for you to search below.
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Why Gender Equality Matters for Youth: A Call to Action on International Women’s Day
Women still face barriers to equality, and today’s youth are paying attention to what’s being done/not done about it.
Understanding the 10 Types of Boundaries: Empowering Youth and Families for Healthier Relationships
Setting healthy boundaries is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and well-being. Boundaries help people protect their mental, emotional, and physical space, especially in today’s fast-paced world.
The Truth About New Weight-Loss Medications: What Youth Need to Know
With the rise of new weight-loss medications mentioned in the media, youth need to be informed about their potential effects and the messages they send about body image. One of the primary things to center in their learning: all bodies are good bodies.
Shifting the Body Conversation
You’ve seen the ads on your devices and social media feeds. You’ve heard it creep into conversations with family after your second holiday treat: negative body talk.
All of the talk and opinions about body standards impact the mental and physical health of girls.
Comfort & Joy: Embracing Those Small Moments of Togetherness
During the winter season and the diverse holidays many of us celebrate, it can be easy to focus on all the stresses and expectations. It’s okay to acknowledge our feelings. But they can also be an invitation to see and experience joy and comfort - whether reliving family tradition, or defining new ways to feel comfort, togetherness, and joy.
Girls Are Speaking - Let’s Follow Their Lead
Girls are speaking up. We encourage you to follow their lead.
Proposed legislation in Congress, H.R. 9495, which will be voted on again this Thursday, Nov. 21, could significantly impact nonprofit organizations and their operations. According to the Center for NonProfit Law, this bill requires no oversight, no due process, and no justification for the executive branch to indiscriminately label any non-profit organization - human rights groups, civil liberties organizations, universities, student groups, humanitarian aid funds – a “terrorist supporting organization” and strip it of its tax-exempt status.
Understanding Bullying
While awareness around bullying has increased, the data shows us there’s still work to do to prevent it.
Supporting First-Time Voters
As teens grow and begin to understand the fundamentals of civics, human rights, speaking up for what they believe in, and government, the influx of information can get overwhelming. Election season, especially for young people who are voting for the first time, can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. What are some ways to support young people who are voting for the first time?
Supporting Youth Through the Loss of Someone to Suicide
Losing someone to suicide is an overwhelming and devastating experience, especially for young people. During Suicide Awareness Month, it’s crucial that we offer up conversations about loss, grief, and mental health, ensuring young people feel seen, heard, and supported.
Talking to Teens About School Shootings and Shooting Threats
Whether they come to fruition or not, threats of school shootings impact the mental health of young people. Youth might feel activated – worried, scared, angry, confused, or all of the above. While school districts, communities, and adults in youths’ lives continue to talk about this ongoing national issue, there are important ways we can support youth mental health through it.
A REAL Back-to-School Supplies List
In addition to the usual notebooks, pencils, and graphing calculators, there are other provisions students need this year. OP offers this slightly different “back-to-school supplies” list to help you and your child get ready for school.
Recognizing and Addressing Ableism in Youth Culture
Ableism, based on assumptions about abilities, can lead to exclusion and discrimination. By raising awareness and taking proactive measures, youth can help create a culture that values everyone's abilities and contributions, regardless of their ability. How does it show up?
Everyone Deserves to Feel Safe: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
During April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, it’s a great time to review how we can help youth navigate healthy relationships, consent, and boundaries.
Black History Month - Celebrating Black Women and Girls Now and Always
Black History Month celebrates and honors the achievements of Black people, and is a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. It’s also a time to honor and celebrate Black girls who make invaluable contributions to their communities. Empowered girls change their world, and the whole world too.