Empowering You to Empower Youth
Become an OP Therapy Intern

You’re ready to make a difference. At Ophelia’s Place, you will.

As a therapy intern at Ophelia’s Place, you have the opportunity to provide community-serving mental health to girl-identified youth ages 10-18. OP is a vibrant community filled with strong social justice values, an empowering culture, and an interest in celebrating individuality. It’s a space to grow your therapy skills and make a positive difference to young people, their communities, and in your own life.

Being an OP therapy intern empowers you to empower youth. Our services are strengths-based, trauma-informed, and responsive to the needs of youth with diverse intersecting identities and abilities. Our interns help provide a safe and welcoming place where youth can develop the tools needed to:

  • Cultivate healthy relationships and communication skills

  • Safely explore their unique experiences of adolescence and identity development

  • Create a positive and empowered sense of self

  • Foster positive and effective coping methods

  • Set and achieve their goals

OP therapy services include individual, family, or group therapy via tele-therapy or in-person. We rely on the contribution of interns from Social Work, Clinical Mental Health, and Couples and Family Therapy graduate programs to:

  • Provide individual, family, or group counseling on-site, in a school setting, or via telehealth

  • Assist in creating and facilitating curricula for multi-week groups or single-day workshops for youth and their parents/guardians

  • Support the ongoing clinical growth of the therapy team through participation in group supervision and case consultation

  • Meet the ever-expanding therapy needs of youth and families in our community

  • Observe the operations of OP and provide feedback and suggestions

  • Work in collaboration with a small staff while tailoring your internship to meet your personal and academic goals

All interns must attend a mandatory multi-day training offered in the fall, be available for a minimum 9-month commitment, and be currently enrolled in a Master's Program such as Couples and Family Therapy, Clinical Mental Health, or Social Work.

Hiring is closed for the season. Check back for future openings. Thanks!

I love the work environment of OP and of the therapy team. The team is supportive, caring, kind, compassionate, flexible, and understanding. OP values are inclusive, has an anti-diet culture, and includes a social justice lens. The work is empowering. The caseload is sustainable. The environment is fun and social. I love the fact that we are able to serve some people who may not be able to be served elsewhere.
— OP Therapy Team Member
I am continuously in awe of how resilient adolescents are and their drive to learn healthier ways of coping. At the end of the day, I want to be the supportive & caring adult that I didn’t have growing up. This is part of my journey and I revel when my path crosses with the paths of OP youth.
— OP Therapy Team Member