Understanding Bullying

Bullying is talked about a lot at school, in media, and in spaces like Ophelia’s Place. While awareness around bullying has certainly increased, the data shows us there’s still work to do.

According to the CDC:

  • About 1 in 5 high school students in the United States report being bullied on school property, and more than 1 in 6 high school students report being bullied electronically.

  • About 30 percent of high school girls experienced bullying at school or electronically.

  • Nearly 40 percent of high school students who identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community report being bullied.

The numbers are concerning. And, bullying is preventable. Let’s learn more.

Bullying takes on many forms.

Bullying is not just an isolated incident; it’s a pattern of behavior that can harm others. It can include:

  • Physical bullying: Hitting, pushing, or damaging someone’s property.

  • Verbal bullying: Name-calling, teasing, or threatening.

  • Social bullying: Spreading rumors or intentionally excluding someone. “Girl Drama” or “Mean Girls” are both examples of when this shows up.

  • Cyberbullying: Using technology to harass or intimidate someone.

Speaking up is important.

It’s challenging to speak up when they see a peer being bullied. Many youths feel alone or fear retaliation. However, it’s crucial to understand that sharing your experience can lead to support and change. It’s important to speak up because:

  • By voicing your concerns, you take a stand against bullying and help create a culture of accountability.

  • Speaking out can encourage others to share their experiences, fostering a supportive community.

  • When you speak up and ask an adult for help, you can access resources and guidance to address the situation.

  • And, it’s just cool to be a supportive leader in your community.

And there are many ways to be supportive.

  • Be an Ally: If you see someone being bullied, stand up for them. Support can make a significant difference.

  • Listen and Validate: If a friend confides in you about bullying, listen without judgment. Acknowledging their feelings is crucial.

  • Encourage Communication: Promote open discussions about bullying. Create a space where everyone feels safe to express their thoughts and feelings.

  • Share Resources: Familiarize yourself with local resources, like Ophelia’s Place. Sharing these options can empower others to seek help.

By standing up for each other, you’re creating a safe space.

At Ophelia’s Place, we believe in creating a safe environment for all youth. Here are some ways we can foster this safe space together:

  • Workshops & Programs: Join us for events focused on building confidence and resilience.

  • Peer Support Groups: Connecting with others who share similar experiences can be incredibly comforting. Our groups are designed to support and empower each other.

  • Anonymous Reporting: If you’re uncomfortable speaking out directly, use anonymous channels to report bullying. Your voice is important.

Whether it’s during October’s Bullying Prevention Month or anytime of year, there’s always room to be an advocate for safety for your friends and peers. A safe community takes everyone supporting it.


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