Nikki, Research & Evaluation Director


Nikki is the Research & Evaluation Director for Ophelia's Place. Her role is to oversee the data collection, analysis, and reporting of OP's direct-service programs and marketing, as well as working closely with OP's grant writer to assist in data reporting requirements. She has an MBA and a certificate in data analytics from the University of Oregon.  

Nikki began working as a marketing intern at OP and has also been a staff member in OP's Development and Communications teams. She loves OP's mission and supporting the amazing staff who work tirelessly to provide support and empowerment to youth.  

She would tell her 13-year-old self that it's okay to be introverted and also don't forget that you have a voice. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone and try new things.  


Nah, MS, Therapist


Nyssa, Lane County Youth Program Coordinator