Nyssa, Eugene Youth Program Coordinator


Nyssa works hard to provide the youth at OP with programs and activities that they are excited and impassioned about. Nyssa grew up in Eugene and feels fortunate that she is able to give back to the community that she loves so much through her work. She graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and Family Sciences and fell in love with OP after completing a project focused on the organization. Before working with OP, Nyssa was a professional dancer and choreographer. She has had the opportunity to work alongside a diverse group of people and trained in diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is passionate about creating an inclusive environment for all youth that enter the OP space.

The advice that Nyssa would give to herself 13-year-old self would be to be kind to yourself and believe in your ability to be great. Don’t worry so much about what others think of you and do what makes you feel good. Life will come with its challenges, but you are strong enough to face them. You got this!


Nikki, Research & Evaluation Director


Rikki, Therapist