Hot topics and things to know.
All content in our blog is posted for use by anyone who is seeking help — OP participants or not. We encourage you to share these posts with people you think will benefit. For your convenience, we’ve sorted content into hot topics for you to search below.
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Drawing the Line: Boundaries, Technology and Your Family
Navigating device usage can feel like a never-ending argument. It can be hard to set boundaries and disconnect from devices now that both you and your kids are using technology more frequently.
9 Healthy Habits For Talking About Puberty
Ah puberty – a time of change, self-discovery, and exploration. Also a time of feeling vulnerable, confused, and embarrassed for both youth and the adults in their lives. Parents, here are 9 habits you can lean into as you begin and continue having puberty talks with your teens.
Pronouns: “It’s Just A Phase”
More often than expected, we hear adults and parents of young people who are exploring their identity say, “It’s just a phase.”
The phase is learning, the phase is identity exploration, the phase is finding out what fits. It serves a purpose while youth grow up.
Filling the Cup: What Is Self-Care?
We hear about it all the time, but let’s take a second to get back to basics about self-care.
Relational Aggression AKA Girl Drama AKA Bullying
Being a young person in school can get extremely challenging when dealing with bullying and other aggressive behaviors from peers. As an adult ally, learn more about how you can recognize aggressive behaviors and how to support youth who are targets.
OP Announces Laura Sanchez as Incoming Executive Director
After 15 years of leadership and girl empowerment, Ophelia’s Place Executive Director Verna Wise Matthews is passing the leadership baton to OP’s vice president of programs and licensed professional counselor, Laura Sanchez. Sanchez will take over as executive director on Nov. 1.
Ophelia’s Place expands to Albany & Linn County
Tracy Berry of McKenzie River Broadcasting shares the great news that Ophelia's Place has opened a downtown location in Albany Oregon, expanding OP's empowerment services. Let’s listen.
How to Talk to Teens About Roe v. Wade – Step One: Listen.
Listening, learning with, and talking about access to health services with your young person is more important than ever. How can you tackle this important conversation? Here's some guidance to get started.
Two Easy Tools for Doing a Mental Health Check-in with Your Teen
Youth are experiencing a swath of feelings after transitioning to in-person activities after two pandemic years, like anxiety around reconnecting with friends, school performance and motivation, and depression. Here are two tools that could help.
Ophelia’s Place to Open Space for Girl Empowerment in Downtown Albany Soon
Albany-area girls ages 10-18 will soon have the opportunity to meet new friends, explore new interests, and connect with trauma-informed adults to help navigate the joys and challenges of their teen years.
New Year, Same Amazing You
“New Year, New You” is so done. What your body looks like doesn’t define your value or your ability to be loved. Use the new year to celebrate the incredible person you already are.
Healthy, Happy Eating
Our insecurities around food and body image can increase during a time of financial insecurity and food scarcity, which gives more power to our “internal food police.” Healthy, happy eating can help.
The Back-to-School Challenge
We made it. A year ago students, parents and school staff alike dreamed of the day when kids would be able to return to school, and now here we are, gearing up for staff and students to return to in-person learning. Support youth and yourself during the transition.
We Help Ourselves When We Help Each Other
Often when we talk about self-care, it’s focused on the things we can do as individuals to handle stress. It’s also important to acknowledge that we are part of a larger community that experiences stress and offers strength.
Socially Distanced Doesn’t Mean Socially Disconnected – OP Community Groups
While schools decide how and when to bring students back to class, OP offers virtual Community Groups to help girls stay social, make friends, and feel a part of something valuable, safe, and fun.
Navigating Puberty: OP’s What You Wish You Learned in Health Class Group
Growing up, changing bodies, relationships and dating… all of these topics and more are covered in OP’s What You Wish You Learned in Health Class.