Teens & Sexuality

a webinar about supporting
positive sexual development in youth

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Did you miss the Teens & Sexuality Webinar but still interested in the recording? Please contact River@opheliasplace.net to purchase your copy.

Adolescence is an intense time of change: Puberty. Sexual health. Romantic interest. During this webinar, adults are invited to learn how to put down their own discomfort and learn how to talk with youth about:

  • Puberty & periods

  • Safe & affirming sexual development

  • Supportive & positive conversations about safety & boundaries

  • Sexual orientation, gender identity, and romantic interest

  • And more

When adults are comfortable and confident discussing topics like sexual health, puberty and romantic relationships with youth, youth have a greater chance of seeking accurate information and positive support when curious about natural human development during adolescence.

The more accurate information and positive support youth have, the more comfortable they are coming to a supportive adult when facing issues like abuse and other unsafe situations.

About the Trainer

River Aaland has more than 20 years of expertise in issues of girls/youth advocacy, poverty, body positivity and fat activism, anti-oppression practice, healthy communication, and mentorship. She is dedicated to the belief that it is possible to change systems of power that exploit and isolate into spaces rooted in relationship and reciprocity. River is committed to approaching everyone she works with from a human-centered, compassionate, and respectful viewpoint and feels especially fortunate to be able to support adolescents and those who work with them.

In her personal life, River is a writer, fiber and mixed-media artist, forager, forest wanderer, potion-maker, and tiny-bird enthusiast. She lives with a bossy cat in a house full of books.

Learn more about the training packages River provides to people-serving non-profits, government agencies, businesses, and other organizations.